Inner Thoughts, Movie, Music, TV, ext. All of the thoughts that occuppy my mind.
While sitting around figuring how to kill the next few hours (normally I’d be sleeping, be me and sleep haven’t gotten along well this week) and Head Over Heals By Tears for Fears jamming out on my ipod I felt compelled to do some writing. I’ve tried the iDiary, and I’m not a fan of that idea. I don’t like writing stuff that only I can read, especially when I have little urge to read it after it’s been written. It’s nice being able to share with other people, despite how few people will probably end up reading it.

I was going to start this Monday and chronicle the week, but combined with a case of self diagnosed AADD and other shit to do (Ultimate Spider-Man, going bar hoping and checking out a free concert, work, ext) I choose otherwise. At least I’ll have a new routine to add to my list of the ones that I’ve had for the past 6 years. The Nine Inch Nails song “Everyday is Exactly The Same” is a pretty accurate description of my life, with a few minor curveballs thrown in there to remind me that there’s that much more to life I’m missing and that much more I’m not.

My current project is reorganizing my music library. I’ve recently upgraded from ipod Shuffle to ipod Nano and good goddamn it’s great. I recommend it to anyone with a love for music. So it’s that time to convert my higher bitrate MP3s to lower bite rate AAC files so they take up less space and I can get more songs on there. Not to mention the 2 hours I’ve spent looking for album covers. I’m thinking I’ll hit up a porn site for a “album cover” for my singles. When I’m listening to a song and see a pair of tits, I’ll get that extra bit of joy.

My DVD collection has grown by 3 in the last week. Mallrats 10th Anniversary Edition is a great comedy mostly due to Jason Lee’s performance has Brodie and Kevin Smith’s dialogue. Kevin Smith has to go down has my favorite director for the fact we share manly similarities. Same last name, Same Birthday, both people of girth (fatasses for the non-politically correct out there), and enjoy has he puts it, “dick and fart jokes”. Then I picked up one of my two favorite movies of all time, Evil Dead 2:Book of The Dead 2. A perfect blend of horror and comedy. I got Evil Dead 1 free when I bought it too.

Living in a little piss-ant town in Indiana (not just saying that, we had a parade when we got a McDonald’s built, no lie) it’s amazing how many sirens and police drive by here. I’ve tried to figure out why there are so many and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s one of the following reasons

1) Someone was going 58MPH in a 55 and the cops need backup
2) A fellow Drunk/Stoner was out getting Drunk/Stoned because of lack of anything else to do in this shithole and decided to start driving.
3) Some geezer fell down
4) A Drunk/Stoner who decided no to drive and get fucked up and jam out to some good loud music and one of the older religious geezers called the cops on them for listening to music that didn’t talk about Jesus enough, forcing them to tolerate someone else’s beliefs. Can’t have that.

One of my hobbies is collecting movie figures. Back when McFarlane Toys started a line called Movie Maniacs, giving me my first inclination to buy a toy since I was 11. When I saw a bloody Jason I was awestruck that someone finally did what I wish they would have when I was 11. Now I don’t play with them, but set them up in on a dresser having them look awesome. Marv From Sin City pointing a gun at Venom’s head while he’s begging. Having a little version of Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash with Blade from Puppet Master looking down at it all. Sadly, the Movie Maniacs Line went to shit, with additions such has RoboCop, and Every one from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Remake when all he needed was Leatherface. But Neca toys picked up the ball with a Cult Classics line. The First series I had no interest in, except for the Friday the 13th Jason figure. I still don’t have one but I have enough Jason figs. I nearly creamed my pants when I found out that in the newest group of figures coming out is a Horror Icon I actually used to post on the McFarlane Toys Message Board about making, The Tall Man from Phantasm. I will be playing Mallrat later today on my hunt. Not to mention a Frank The Bunny figure is also in the line up. I had no interest in this until I seen it was being made. Donnie Darko is a cool flick.

on Sep 30, 2005
cool blog
on Sep 30, 2005
second that.